Back in 2019 we opened the doors to our old office for the very first Vice Press Open House. We had a great time, with over 200 people turning up on the day, checking out prints and chatting with like minded fans and collectors. We did plan to run one every year, then a funny thing happened that prevented us from arranging large gatherings…
The success of the day got us thinking about how we could make Open House bigger and better. Since that event we have moved offices to a new unit, and while we love it, it isn’t the best place to hold a gathering, so we decided to look for a dedicated event space in the heart of Sheffield where we could accommodate more attendees and put on something very special.
The moment we first saw it, we fell in love with Trafalgar Warehouse, a 1930’s industrial space that had been converted into an events space. With all of that extra room we thought, why not invite a bunch of our friends, too? So we also invited along a bunch of artists and vendors who we have worked with over the years.

Universal Monsters: Frankenstein & Creature From The Black Lagoon By Andrew Swainson
"Not since the beginning of time has the world beheld terror like this!"
For our release this week, Andrew Swainson revisits the classic Universal...