ZARJAZ! An Art Tribute To 40 Years of 2000 AD
There are just over two weeks until our official 2000 AD gallery show Zarjaz: An Art Tribute To 2000 AD opens as part of this year's Thought Bubble festival program and we wanted to share with you some newly announced print releases! These are just a small selection of what the gallery show has to offer as there will be over 40 prints and originals on display that will be available to purchase to add to your collection.
The gallery is
FREE to attend and will run from September 1st until September 30th at
The Gallery at 164, Munro House, Leeds. There will also be a very special Gallery Exhibition Event held on September 22nd from 7pm to celebrate the opening of the Thought Bubble Convention weekend which will feature guest artists in attendance, exclusive print releases and a couple more surprises to be announced.
We have also created a special Facebook event page where you can invite and share the event with fellow perps and receive regular updates as well as information on the venue: Vice Press Facebook Event Page.
Michael Cho
If your circuits haven’t overloaded yet, the Nerve Centre will be making the Helltrek to Leeds deliver the ‘2000 AD Juve Cube’ - the official after-party of the opening of Vice Press Presents: Zarjaz! An Art Tribute to 40 Years of 2000 AD.
The 2000 AD Juve Cube is a riotous night of celebration featuring Live music, DJs and live art from super-star VIP droids featured in the accompanying exhibition. For 2000 AD fans, it’s the perfect way to kick off the UK’s finest comic and sequential arts festival! You can find out more about the 2000 AD Juve Cube Here!
Charlie Adlard
David Aja
Carlos Ezquerra